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vocabulary Somali saying: "If you lay woman a bed a thorns she will lay you a bed of roses"
Part 1- relaxation in Kurortne, personal reviews and observations

Part 1- relaxation in Kurortne, personal reviews and observations


So that you can go to other parts of this material:

  1. Photos of Kurortne 2010, Crimea
  2. Part 2 of the article"Vacation in Crimea, Kurortne - reviews and observations"

23.08 - day one

In this period $1 = 8 UAH

Tickets cost 80 UAH each for adults. The journey took 17 hours, with the conductor:

  • coffee – 6 UAH
  • tea – 4 UAH
  • beer – 10 UAH

30-40 minutes before the end of the journey, people appear, offering accommodation in Feodosiya from 40, and in Kurortne from 70 UAH/day per person.

  From the train station, we went to the bus stop, in the square with the market (maybe it was a bus station?). Our route was FeodosiyaKoblevoShchebetivkaKurortne, costing 8.5 UAH.

24.08 - day two

  Upon arrival in Kurortne, right at the stop where the minibus dropped us off, we heard the price of 70 UAH/day «you won't find cheaper», as an elderly man said, after which he repeated it about 5 times, and kept wanting to know how much we were going to pay. The curiosity of the local population manifested itself later on as well.

  Cars with signs saying "renting accommodation" were driving around the town streets, typically with a driver and an elderly lady in the back seat. Stopping near newly arrived tourists with luggage, they offer to solve the problem of finding accommodation, while trying to make it as expensive as possible for you. To do this, they test your ability to pay, starting from a larger amount, but trying to make sure you don't "get off the hook".

  Right upon arrival, we were offered a room for 3 people at 150 UAH/day, but we decided to look for other options. Housing offers in Kurortne looked as follows:

  • a local 4-story sanatorium, a Soviet-era building, with a shared shower outside: 55 UAH/day.
  • A lovely room, with a nice hostess, with all amenities, a stove, and a refrigerator – 70 UAH/day
  • «Super-duper hotel» with a magnificent facade (made of steel and glass, a mini skyscraper), with a neatly trimmed lawn, green and lush + a security guard at the entrance, a high fence with a foundation. And also a fresh swimming pool with a lounge area, 3 meals a day, and a bunch of additional services – ONLY for 200 USD/day

  In general, it was like this.

vocabulary Somali saying: "If you lay woman a bed a thorns she will lay you a bed of roses"

Read also

Gattaca (1997)
Gattaca (1997)