Everyone can choose the appropriate dumbbell weight for the desired load.
Most dumbbells are affordable. They can be used by anyone who wants to exercise at home. If you work out at home, rather than in a gym under a trainer's supervision, errors in exercises are almost inevitable. Three main mistakes can be identified that are characteristic of almost every beginner who works with dumbbells.
Mistake #1. Performing movements automatically, without controlling them
When performing any exercise, it's easy to fall into a familiar pattern and stop monitoring your movements. Executing exercises too quickly indicates that not all muscle capabilities are being used. Thus, the athlete is simply wasting their time.
Try to perform exercises slowly. Focus entirely on the movements being performed and strive to do them correctly. This will allow you to achieve maximum results.
Mistake #2. You're too tense
Of course, strength training is necessary for muscle strengthening. However, according to experts, it's essential to be relaxed during exercise. The body should not be tense. Relaxation allows you to achieve the ideal body position, helping to prevent injuries.
Don't overstrain your muscles. Consider an example of working on the triceps when performing bending and extending arms with a dumbbell in an inclined position. It is not recommended to grip the dumbbells too tightly, strain the gluteal muscles, or overly tense the shoulders.
Mistake #3. Using the same dumbbells for different exercises
Different muscles have different strengths. A load that is sufficient for training one muscle may be too small for working with another. Using insufficiently heavy dumbbells will not strengthen muscles and will not yield the desired effect. Conversely, excessively heavy weights can stretch muscles and lead to various injuries and traumas.
To achieve results, use different weights. You can purchase a set of several dumbbells and use them over time. It's important to remember that the proper dumbbell weight is one that causes muscle fatigue after 8-12 repetitions.
In summary, working with dumbbells requires certain theoretical knowledge. Don't forget the mistakes described above and do everything to avoid them.