When it comes to products that provide enormous benefits to our bodies, Ginger can arguably be placed in the front rows! This unique product was mentioned in the sacred Quran:
«(76:15) and there shall be passed around them vessels of silver and goblets of crystal,
(76:16) goblets bright as crystal but made of silver, filled to exact measure.
(76:17) Therein they shall be served a cup flavoured with ginger,
(76:18) drawn from a spring (in Paradise) called Salsabil.»
Its amazing properties were also described in the works of Chinese philosophers and in Indian medicine. Ginger was widely popular in Rome and Greece, where it was used both as a spice and as a medicine. Chinese sages highlighted one particular property of this miracle plant - increasing a person's energy potential and libido!
Ginger - A Treasure Trove of Vitamins and Nutrients
The main value of ginger lies in its rare and unique chemical composition. In an amazing way, vitamins, minerals, a large number of essential oils, and amino acids have come together here, totaling more than 400 compounds! Moreover, the content of all beneficial substances in it is very high, making it a nutritional treasure for our bodies!
Thanks to its high content of asparagine, which is a component of most proteins, ginger is essential for the proper functioning of the nervous system. A special "spicy" taste of ginger is given by the substance gingerol, which has powerful healing properties: antimicrobial, antiparasitic, oxygenates the blood and brain cells, destroys cancer cells, and is able to quickly restore good immunity! Due to its antiparasitic properties, pickled ginger has become an integral part of sushi consumption, where raw fish is used.
Ginger tea is excellent for combating low acidity when urgent assistance is needed in the secretion of gastric juice. In a very short time, it eliminates digestive disorders and improves the performance of the digestive organs. Despite the fact that ginger is a spicy plant, it has a great influence on the stomach's mucous membrane, not irritating it, and destroys intestinal parasites. In cuisine, one of the most popular dishes is ginger cookies, which has long become an integral part of Christmas celebrations!
Unlike any other plant, ginger improves blood chemistry and strengthens blood vessels, successfully used for the prevention of thrombosis and tumor development. Modern Chinese medicine is simply abundant with ginger-based drugs and dietary supplements. Leading Chinese physicians claim that ginger uniquely improves memory and helps maintain clear thinking until old age! By the way, China has the highest number of centenarians on our planet.
Ginger is extremely beneficial for people engaged in mental and physical work, as it is a good energizer and immune booster. Ginger also has a positive effect on metabolism and fat burning. It is indispensable when it comes to fighting excess weight!
In the modern world, ginger is actively used as a powerful aphrodisiac. It noticeably increases male and female libido and fights a whole range of sexual disorders. With its help, medicine successfully combats infertility in both women and men! It is believed that ginger has a unique effect on a person's energy strength and increases performance.
Contraindications. It should not be consumed at high temperatures, as ginger increases blood circulation. It should also be avoided during various inflammatory processes. Consultation with a doctor is necessary during pregnancy. It is better not to consume ginger if you have gallstones, hepatitis, or allergies.